What to Look for in a Shredding Provider

Inquisitive woman looking through magnifying glass.

Have you ever played the game Bigger and Better? In this game, each team starts with a paperclip and aims to trade it door-to-door with neighbors for something larger or more valuable. The excitement builds as you exchange items, hoping to end up with the biggest or best item compared to other teams. However, two…

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What is a Certificate of Destruction and Why Do I Need One?

Woman is looking perplexed and shrugging her shoulders while holding her hands up.

In today’s digital age, safeguarding sensitive information is paramount for any organization. From personally identifiable information (PII) to corporate trade secrets, maintaining the confidentiality of data is not just good practice; it’s often required by law. But what happens when it’s time to dispose of this information? Enter the Certificate of Destruction, a crucial document…

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Information Destruction Guidelines for Your Business

A red binder labelled "Confidential Data" is stacked with other binders and documents on a table surface.

Remember when TV and radio were free, and the idea of paying for bottled water seemed absurd? Times have changed! Today, information is the gold of the digital age. Effectively using information can mean big profits for your business, but losing or having your information stolen is like handing over cash to data thieves. Whether…

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Be Prepared for Disasters & Secure Your Sensitive Documents

people looking at documents to be shredded by DataSafe in Portland OR

If there’s one thing 2020 has taught us, it’s to expect the unexpected. Case in point: On top of the challenges we already face with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, fires ripped through much of Oregon this fall, burning over one million acres, destroying homes, and killing at least 11 people. During the height of the…

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Protect Yourself From COVID-19 Scams

Coronavirus scam alert in Portland OR

Scammers are everywhere, it seems, and they’ve been taking advantage of our fears and vulnerabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. From contact tracing scams to unemployment fraud, there are many ways to get caught up in an unsavory trap. Luckily, if you know what to watch out for, you can avoid most of them. Let’s review…

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