Shredding Solutions for Government Agencies

Protect Your Government Organization

With Oregon's Most Secure Paper Shredding

Government agencies are entrusted with a substantial amount of sensitive data. Whether relating to employees, financial data, contractor relationships, or the public’s personal data, it’s your ethical obligation to protect confidential information. Additionally, there are legislation and regulations that oversee how government data is managed.

For over three decades, DataSafe has been working with the government sector in the Portland, Oregon area. We develop streamlined, secure plans for the management, collection, and destruction of confidential data. With our scheduled, recurring shredding services, your government agency will be secure and compliant.

Data breaches and the government sector

Since government entities manage large quantities of data, it’s vital that proper security protocols are in place. The COVID-19 cyber crime surge has included scams related to stimulus funds, unemployment funds, and vaccination information. Plus, the infamous 2020 U.S. government breach has shown us that agencies are an attractive target for serious hackers who are can inflict widespread damage.

Now more than ever, it’s important to create a comprehensive security plan for your government organization that includes proper disposal of physical records. While digital records are commonplace, paper hasn’t gone away. Whether financial statements or tax forms, there are numerous opportunities for data to get misplaced or put in a recycling bin and get accessed by criminals. Plus, unused or outdated digital media that contains protected data must be securely disposed of as well. Emphasize security at every step of the process and make regular paper and digital shredding one piece of the puzzle.

Why DataSafe?

DataSafe has been serving medical professionals in the Portland, Oregon area for decades. With our long history, we’ve seen it all and we’ve shredded it all. Plus, DataSafe:

  • Is local to the Pacific Northwest
  • Is NAID AAA certified
  • Has transparent pricing
  • Employs well-trained and vetted staff
  • Provides clients with a Certificate of Destruction

Stay Compliant

It is your ethical and legal obligation to keep your agency’s information secure, and there are numerous federal and local laws and regulations that must be adhered to, such as the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act and Right to Financial Privacy Act. Failure to comply can lead to fines, lost revenue, and loss of employee and public trust.

Your agency must protect personal and financial data and identities and DataSafe helps you stay compliant with our ongoing, scheduled shredding and data destruction services.

We Can Destroy It All

Government organizations collect and manage a significant amount of data, from employee info to contractor reporting to personal data belonging to the public. Failing to properly store this material properly puts your agency at risk of data breaches, and your employees and the public at risk of identity theft. DataSafe securely destroys records, no matter if they’re paper or digital formats.

  • Financial documents
  • HR files and payroll
  • Invoices and payments
  • Tax statements
  • Transaction slips
  • Balance sheets
  • Account numbers
  • Staff PII (personally identified information)
  • Tax and audit records

Professional Shredding Is the Secure Option

In a misguided effort to save time and money, agencies might consider shredding their own documents internally but this ends up being costly. Not only does it lack accountability and a documented chain of command, but there’s no guarantee of compliance. Valuable information may be left behind in the recycling bin if staff are permitted to decide what documents are shredded. Plus, often in-office shredding machines aren’t secure enough to prevent thieves from piecing together data. Finally, if you’re paying your highly skilled workers to shred paper instead of performing their job duties, your agency is incurring significant cost.

Learn how a professional shredding service can improve your bottom line.

shred local graphic for DataSafe shredding services in Portland, OR

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