Take Control Of Your Information Security With Your HR Department

Yet, the first interaction a new employee has with most businesses is with the HR department.

HR is the department that sets the expectations of company policies. It’s also the organization that hires and trains employees.

That said, it’s not a good idea to leave data protection to your IT department alone. HR can set a precedent for information security around your office in many ways.

How Can HR Set a Precedent For Information Security?

Human Resources sets the stage for company policies and security. The department could be a force when it comes to creating a culture for information security.

Here are a few ways HR can make an impact on your business’s data security to give you a better idea:

  1. Implement policies. HR helps with implementing the business’ policies. It can do the same thing with information security policies. You may not always be able to make sure your employees are following information security protocol, but the HR department can. From a clean desk policy to scheduling one time document purges, HR can do a lot.
  2. Train new employees on information security. HR can add information security policies and training into the new employee orientation. This gives your business better security knowing your employees understand the policies and procedures.
  3. Oversee information security best practices. HR can oversee ongoing information security best practices to evolve existing policies. This can help keep your business safe from new potential threats.
  4. Deal with policy violations quickly. HR departments should be able to deal with policy violations appropriately and efficiently. They can then follow through with the next steps of your business’s policy.
  5. Schedule ongoing meetings with leadership. IT services alone may only meet with leadership to ensure nothing has gone awry. But HR departments can set reoccurring meetings to ensure the business’s policies are up to date. HR can also ensure that everyone understands these policies and is able to follow them.

Every year, corporate identity theft costs American businesses up to $48 billion. When you schedule your document shredding or one time document purge, you can be sure your information will be destroyed safely and securely. To learn more about our shredding services or to schedule a one time document purge, contact Data Safe today.

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